Take a look at this Facebook post shared on March 14, 2020
I work for Guardian Angels Senior Services in Fund Development.
Today is the date of our annual gala. This year, our monetary focus is for an upgrade to the kitchen of one of our facilities in order to provide more meals, more often, for more senior citizen.
As of Wednesday, we had 400 paid tickets and sponsors. The video presentation went through its final edit. The auction items were prepared and ready for electronic bidding, the food and venue were confirmed, over 100 raffle prizes were lined up, and the program was at the printer.
Over the last few weeks, protocols have rapidly changed for our senior residents, employees, the world. As we slug it out for toilet paper, our seniors are now shut in with no visitors as we manage to protect their health.
As of Thursday morning, the decision was made to cancel the gala. Just like most other events in this country. For the safety of everyone. The next 8 hours were spent disassembling this event and figuring out how to salvage what we could and think outside the box.
In the details of that process came extraordinary human kindness from volunteers, donors, sponsors, vendors employees, and business leaders.
Although there will be no “organized gala” it is going on in spirit. The auction has been placed online for the entire weekend with great activity already.
Although the venue will sit empty, the meals to be served this evening will be delivered in sealed containers to the two of our Independent Senior housing centers (these residents would normally take care of their own meals) along with gala programs and table favors.
A stressful week of rapid change and uncertainty turned into one of the most gratifying. I am reminded daily why I came to work for Guardian Angels.
If you want to take a break from Netflix this weekend, check out the gala video on the website! https://www.guardianangelsmn.org/news-and-events/ga-gala-2020/
Tenants enjoying the delicious meal!