Elderly Waiver explanation by Guardian Angels

In the state of Minnesota, elderly individuals often face challenges when it comes to long-term care and support services. Many seniors wish to age in place, staying in their homes and communities, but they may require assistance with daily activities due to age-related health issues. This is where the Elderly Waiver program comes into play. In this blog post, we will delve into what the Elderly Waiver program in Minnesota entails, how it works, and who is eligible.

What is the Elderly Waiver Program?

The Elderly Waiver program, often referred to as EW or EW/AC, is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) program designed to help elderly individuals in Minnesota access necessary services and support while remaining in their homes or communities instead of moving to a nursing home or other institutional care settings. This program is essential for seniors who wish to maintain their independence and receive care in a more familiar environment.

Key Components of the Elderly Waiver Program

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the Elderly Waiver program in Minnesota, individuals must meet specific eligibility criteria. These criteria typically include:

  • Age: Participants must be 65 years of age or older.
  • Medical Necessity: Individuals must have a demonstrated need for nursing facility-level care.
  • Financial Eligibility: Participants must meet certain income and asset requirements, which may change annually.

Services Covered:

The Elderly Waiver program provides a wide range of services to help seniors with their daily needs. Some of the services covered under the program include:

  • Personal care assistance
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Adult day services
  • Respite care
  • Medical supplies and equipment
  • Homemaking services
  • Transportation assistance
  • Home and vehicle modifications

Participant Direction:

One unique feature of the Elderly Waiver program is that it allows participants to have more control over their care services. Through a consumer-directed option, eligible individuals can choose and manage their personal care assistants and support workers.

Cost Sharing:

While the Elderly Waiver program covers a wide range of services, participants may be required to contribute to the cost of their care based on their income and assets. However, the goal is to keep these costs reasonable and affordable for seniors.

Application Process:

Applying for the Elderly Waiver program involves a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s needs and circumstances. This assessment is conducted by a county, and it helps determine eligibility and the specific services needed.

The Elderly Waiver program in Minnesota is a lifeline for many seniors who wish to age in place while receiving the necessary care and support they need. It offers a wide array of services, eligibility criteria, and participant-directed options to ensure that elderly individuals can maintain their independence and receive care tailored to their unique needs.

If you or a loved one meets the eligibility criteria and requires long-term care and support, consider exploring the Elderly Waiver program as an option. It’s a valuable resource that helps Minnesota’s elderly population enjoy a better quality of life in the comfort of their own homes and communities.